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Yuchai Heavy Industry held the unveiling ceremony of the exhibition hall and the release ceremony of the overseas version electric skid steer loader

Apr. 03, 2023


Yuchai Heavy Industry held the launch ceremony of the overseas version of electric skid steer loader at the new exhibition hall on April 3

In order to promote the brand and inject new vitality into the industry, Yuchai Heavy Industry held the launch ceremony of the overseas version of electric skid steer loader at the new exhibition hall on April 3. Guan Min, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Yuchai Group, Guo Deming, Deputy General Manager and Yan Maolin, Chairman of Yuchai Heavy Industry unveiled the overseas version of electric skid steer loader. More than 80 people from Yuchai Heavy Industry's leadership team, management cadres above the section level and staff representatives of each assembly line attended this event.


Guan Min praised Yuchai Heavy Industry's work of speeding up in the first quarter of this year, and hoped that Yuchai Heavy Industry would keep the striving energy to ensure the completion of the annual target; Meanwhile, she recognized Yuchai Heavy Industry's brand building work over the years, and believed that Yuchai Heavy Industry's products would spread all over the world.


Guo Deming adressed that the survival and development of Yuchai Heavy Industry depends firstly on developing leading and applicable products and achieving customer recognition. Secondly, we need to rely on a group of workers who work hard, dare to fight, and dare to break through. In the face of the complex market environment, Yuchai Heavy Industry team has shown the striving attitude, which fully embodies the spirit of Heavy Industry and Yuchai.


Since its establishment 34 years ago, Yuchai Heavy Industry has established a showroom in the company headquarters for the first time, which is of great significance, although it looks simple but covers the history and future of the company. In recent years, Yuchai Heavy Industry has increased the investment of human and material resources online and offline to convey the brand voice and empower the brand. At the same time, Yuchai Heavy Industry will persistently make efforts on the high-end and electricization of small products. The completion of Yuchai Heavy Industries showroom and the release of overseas version of electric skid steer loader has written a new chapter for the development of Yuchai Heavy Industries.